Four Effective Messaging Frameworks to Drive Customer Conversions
Marketing and Sales professionals know that success depends on meaningful connections.
To help with that, here are four effective frameworks to consider:
1) Medium as the message:
Show up where your customers are, but be sure to speak the language of the medium.
TikTok videos won't play well on LinkedIn...--or will they? 🤔💭
The point is different messaging mediums require different messaging.
We can get creative...we can push the boundaries. And maybe that's what we need to do.
But one thing's for sure –no matter what the medium –we can't be boring, or we'll just be ignored.
2) Multitude as the message:
We're all influenced by the actions of others.
Social proof is powerful and persuasive.
Reviews, followers, likes....
"Over 50,000 satisfied customers can't be wrong," right?
Highlighting the praise of our loyal, raving fans helps our customers decide if we're a good fit for them too.
3) Messenger as the message:
We naturally look to authority figures, celebrities, and people we admire to lead the way.
If "Mikey likes it," maybe I will too (dating myself here, but you get the point).
Trust goes a long way in marketing and sales.
And if someone we trust says it's okay...we're more likely to give it the benefit of the doubt.
4) Merged (identities) as the message:
Biological connectivity creates loyalty.
We're programmed to be loyal to people we're related to and seek out 'family-like' relationships in everything we do:
- Fraternities,
- sororities,
- sports teams,
- politics...
We have a biological need to belong.
As Seth Godin would say, "People like us do things like this."
(get the People-like-us essay in PDF form…from Seth's Blog)
What kinds of things do your people do?
What language do they use when they talk about the things they love?
What words do they use to talk about their struggles?
Four Effective Messaging Frameworks to Drive Customer Conversions
1) Medium as the message:
2) Multitude as the message:
3) Messenger as the message:
4) Merged (identities) as the message:
These are just four effective frameworks to consider when communicating with your customers and prospects.
What strategies work best for you?
We'd love the chance to discuss what effective messaging looks like in your marketing campaigns.